Athens Veterinary Service

625 West Limit
Athens, WI 54411



 Aspirin Use In Cattle

Use of aspirin in dairy and beef cattle has been recommended and used by veterinarians and producers in the past to treat fever and pain in cattle. Despite its use for many years, aspirin has never been an approved product by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in cattle. 

Due to the increased use of aspirin in cattle and specifically in lactating dairy cattle, the FDA has recently changed their stance from aspirin use being of "low regulatory concern" to one of "high concern." The FDA has reached out to veterinarians via a letter stating that "the extra label use of unapproved drugs in food-producing species is prohibited." This means that any use of aspirin in food-producing animals is illegal, and use of aspirin products should be discontinued. 

Flunixin (brand name Banamine) is an FDA-approved product that is available for treatment of fever associated with bovine respiratory disease, endotoxemia, and mastitis and for the control of pain associated with foot rot. It is available in an injectable product for intravenous use only and additionally is available in a topical, pour-on product as Banamine Transdermal. These approved products are safe, effective and have established milk and meat withdrawal periods. 

Due to the FDA’s recent statement, aspirin products will no longer be available for purchase through our veterinary clinic once our current stock is gone. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to you herd health veterinarians 

For more information click the link below–,to%20control%20pyrexia%20and%20pain.