Athens Veterinary Service

625 West Limit
Athens, WI 54411


Small Ruminants Services


Athens Vet Service is dedicated to the health and well-being of a wide range of animals. Sheep and goats are becoming increasingly popular as pets and we are here to help! We offer herd walk throughs where we can access/discuss any number of concerns including nutrition, parasite control and vaccinations/disease prevention. Trans abdominal ultrasound can be used for pregnancy diagnosis along with animal side testing for pregnancy toxemia. Our in-house lab is available for chemistry profiles, CBC, fecal and basic mastitis testing. We utilize various outside labs for CAE/OPP, CL and Johne’s testing.

Our clinic offers haul-in facilities which clients can utilize if they live outside of the practice radius. These also allow for radiographs, surgical procedures and hospital stays if necessary.

Please check out the websites listed for more information:

General Knowledge




Common Diseases and Health Problems